Isolated hypopyon as an initial
manifestation of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Latha S 1, Karthikeyini S 2, Hercules Aro S 3, Scott J.X.4
1Dr. Sneha Latha M, Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Hemato
Oncology, Department of Pediatrics, 2Dr. Karthikeyini Shankar, Final
Year Post Graduate, Pediatrics, 3Ms. Hercules Aro S, CRRI Department of
Pediatrics, 4Dr. Scott Julius Xavier, Pediatrics, Fellowship in
Pediatric Hemato Oncology (Australia), Professor of Pediatrics, Head,
Division of Pediatric Hemato Oncology; all authors are affiliated with
Sri Ramachandra University.
Address for
Correspondence: Dr. Sneha Latha M, Assistant Professor of
Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hemato Oncoloy, Sri Ramachandra
Medical Centre. E-mail id:
The common sites of relapses of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are bone
marrow, central nervous system and testis. When unusual sites like eyes
are involved in extramedullary relapses, they may masquerade as
hypopyon uveitis. We report a child who presented with isolated hypoyon
as an initial manifestation of Acute lymphoblastic relapse, 3 months
after his completion of chemotherapy. Leukemic involvement of the
anterior segment of the eye should be suspected in all cases of uveitis
that are refractory to treatment and particularly when a hypopyon
uveitis develops in a child.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Anterior uveitis , Hypopyon, Relapse
Manuscript received:
24th July 2016, Reviewed:
8th August 2016
Author Corrected;
20th August 2016,
Accepted for Publication: 1st September 2016
With therapeutic advances, there has been considerable improvement in
the survival rate of acute leukemic children [1]. This has led to an
increase in variability of ocular presentations in the form of side
effects of treatment and leukemic relapses being first identified as an
ocular presentation [2]. Acute lympoblastic leukemias (ALL), is the
most common leukemia seen in pediatric population [3]. Inspite of
intensive chemotherapy, 20 % of them still relapse. The relapse could
be an isolated event involving the bone marrow alone or may involve
central nervous system and testis. Unilateral ocular involvement as an
initial manifestation of relapse in ALL is rare. We report the case of
7 year old boy who completed his chemotherapy and presented with
unilateral pseudohypopyon, few months later, which was subsequently
diagnosed as relapse.
A 5 year old male child presented to us with generalized
lymphadenopathy and hepatomegaly in 2009. Investigations revealed
leukocytosis with peripheral smear showing 60 % lymphoblasts. Bone
marrow biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of Pre B CALLA positive ALL. CSF
analysis was normal. Cytogenetics study revealed no abnormalities. He
was treated with Children Oncology Group (COG) high risk ALL protocol.
3 months after his completion of treatment, he presented with redness,
pain and photophobia in his left eye. He was seen by an ophthalmologist
and was being treated symptomatically with topical eye drops and
analgesics. Due to the persistence of symptoms, he was referred to a
Tertiary care ophthalmology centre. A clinical diagnosis of hypopyon
was made, which aroused the suspicion of ocular relapse (fig 1).
Anterior chamber fluid aspiration and cytology proved to it to be
malignant cells. Bone marrow biopsy and CSF fluid analysis confirmed
relapse in bone marrow and CSF. Child was started on Relapsed ALL
protocol and topical steroids. With the completion of induction phase
of chemotherapy, the hyopyon resolved (fig 2) and bone marrow
aspiration and CSF analysis showed no blasts. Child is currently on
Interim maintenance phase of chemotherapy and on regular follow up.
Hypopyon in the left eye
Fig-2: Resolved
Hypopyon after 1 month of chemotherapy
Eye involvement in leukemia can be of two types, primary or direct
leukemic infiltration and secondary or indirect involvement. The direct
leukemic infiltration can present as anterior segment uveal
infiltration, oribital infiltration and neuro ophthalmic signs of CNS
leukemia like optic nerve infiltration, cranial nerve palsies and
papilloedema. The secondary changes are due to hematological
abnormalities of leukemia such as anemia, thrombocytopenia,
hyperviscosity, toxicity of various chemotherapeutic agents and
immunosuppression[4]. Anterior segment is an uncommon site of
extramedullary relapse , accounting for only 0.5% to 2.6 % of all ALL
relapses [5] . Anterior chamber involvement, particularly as in
isolated finding is more common in ALL than AML. In ALL, anterior
segment involvement is around 2.5 % to 18 % of relapsed cases,
depending upon the stage of the disease [6]. The symptoms when anterior
segment is involved in relapse are non specific like redness,
photophobia, pain, epiphora, change in color and appearance of iris and
may mimic infective or inflammatory etiology. Though the clinical
findings may be varied, iritis and hypopyon are the most common.
Hypopyon is layering of white blood cells in the dependent part of the
anterior chamber. It occurs in association with intraocular
inflammation, infection, keratitis or malignancy. It is of value as a
clinical sign because it tends to occur in association with specific
conditions rather than as a general ocular inflammatory response [7].
Extramedullary relapse of acute leukaemias may masquerade as hypopyon
uveitis. If hypopyon is due to ocular tumors, it consists largely of
neoplastic cells, in which case it is called pseudohypopyon. A
pseudohypopyon is characterized by its persistence and irregular
contour, which suggests clumping of neoplastic cellular material rather
than the layering of neutrophils as in anterior uveitis. The absence of
posterior synechias and increased intraocular pressure helps to
distinguish anterior uveitis from anterior segment leukemic infiltrates
[6]. Usually clinically apparent involvement of the iris and anterior
segment, particularly as an isolated finding is more common in ALL [8]
. There have been reports of hypopyon uveitis as an isolated sign of
relapse of AML and two reports of leukemic pseudohypopyon in CML, which
may have been associated with blast crisis [9,10]. Leukaemias have been
identified as the cause of uveitis in 5% of paediatric uveitis cases
The high risk period for anterior chamber leukemic relapse has been
found to be the first few months following completion of maintenance
therapy. Eyes remain a sanctuary site for leukemic cells as they are
shielded during CNS irradiation and chemotherapy agents do not
penetrate the eye wall. The mechanisms by which the cells migrate into
the anterior chamber are not clear. One hypothesis holds that the cells
are sequestered in the long posterior ciliary vessels and pass into the
anterior chamber through the iris vessels [12]. Diagnosis of leukemic
iris infiltration is often made clinically on slit lamp examination and
should be confirmed with aqueous cytology. Leukemic involvement of the
anterior segment of the eye should be suspected in all cases of uveitis
that are refractory to treatment and especially when they present with
hypopyon uvetis.
A hypopyon that fails to resolve with local or systemic corticoid
steroid therapy should raise suspicion and prompt an anterior chamber
tap for cytology and culture. Ocular involvement is generally
associated with evidence of malignant cells at other sites and a
thorough search should be made to rule out systemic and CNS involvement
though the eye may be the sole site of renewed disease.
Nil, Conflict of
interest: Nil
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Latha S, Karthikeyini S, Hercules Aro S, Scott J.X. Isolated hypopyon
as an initial manifestation of relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Int J Pediatr Res.2016;3(9):649-651.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2016.9.03.