group n(%) |
group n(%) |
Age 2-12 m 12m-5y |
19(47.5) 21(52.5) |
22(55) 18(45) |
Boys |
22(55) |
26(65) |
Parental education Illiterate |
8(20) |
9(22.5) |
Preterm birth |
7(17.5) |
5(12.5) |
Low birth weight (<2.5kg) |
4(10) |
3(7.5) |
Immunization status Complete Partial |
32(80) 8(20) |
34(85) 6(15) |
Previous episode of pneumonia |
4(10) |
3(7.5) |
Exclusive breast feeding |
29(72.5) |
32(80) |
Exposure to passive smoking |
5(12.5) |
7(17.5) |
Type of fuel used Non-LPG |
22(55) |
22(55) |
Overcrowding # |
20(50) |
18(45) |
Socioeconomic status Middle (Class III) Lower (Class IV, V) |
9(27.5) 31(77.5) |
11(27.5) 29(72.5) |
group n(%) |
group n(%) |
Clinical presentation* Cough and fever Tachypnea Chest indrawing |
40 (100) 40(100) 16(40) |
40(100) 40(100) 14(35) |
Severity of pneumonia* Pneumonia Severe pneumonia |
24(60) 16(40) |
26(65) 14(35) |
Weight for length/height* Median < -1 SD < - 2 SD |
19(47.5) 13(32.5) 8(20) |
13(32.5) 21(52.5) 6(15) |
Anemia (Hb<11gm/dL)* |
26(65) |
33(82.5) |
Chest radiograph showing
consolidation* |
15(37.5) |
11(27.5) |
Failure to recover on Penicillin G* |
3(7.5) |
4(10) |
Blood culture positivity* |
1(2.5) |
2(5) |
Time for resolution of symptoms (days)
mean(SD)+ |
3.6 (0.78) |
3.625 (1.27) |