Japanese encephalitis with Acute
respiratory distress syndrome: A rare presentation
Kurane A.B.1, Kavthekar S.O.2, Bilagi
V.R.3,Chougale R.A.4
Anil Bapurao Kurane, Professor and HOD, Department of Pediatrics, 2Dr.
Saiprasad Onkareshwar Kavthekar, Associate Professor and Fellow in Pediatric Intensive
Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, 3Dr. Varun Ramchandra Bilagi, Junior
Resident, Department of Pediatrics, 4Dr. Roma Abhay Chougale, Professor
and HOD Department of Microbiology, all authors are affiliated with D.Y.Patil
Medical College and Hospital Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India.
Author: Dr. Varun RamchandraBilagi.
Junior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, D. Y. Patil Medical College and
Hospital, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. E-mail: drvarunbilagi@gmail.com
A 15 years girl presented with high grade fever,
headache, vomiting, loose stools, neck stiffness and positive Kernig’s sign
further more developed Shock with ARDS, landed in coma (GCS=3), with changing
neurological signs, hemodynamically well managed and serum tested positive for
JE virus, who later recovered without any neurological deficit.
Keywords: Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Japanese encephalitis,
Nitric oxide
Author Corrected: 17th November 2018 Accepted for Publication: 24th November 2018
encephalitis (JE) is the most important vaccine preventable cause of
encephalitis in the Asia-Pacific region. As we all know JE is public
health challenge due to its acute onset,fulminant course and high
mortality and morbidity especially in children.50000 cases of JE occur
worldwide/Year and 15000 of them die. Children <15 years of age are
principally affected [1]. Domestic pigs [2] are reservoirs while the
vector is Culex tritaeniorhynchus [3]. The case fatality rate among
patients with encephalitis approaches 30%, and approximately
30%–50% of survivors have long-term neurologic sequelae [4].
Case Report
A 15-yeargirl admitted with
high grade fever associated with chills and rigors, loose stools (watery,
non-foul smelling, 2 episodes, no passage blood/mucus), vomiting
(non-projectile, non-bilious) & headache for 1 day. On examinationPulse 80
beats/min, BP was 114/70mm of Hg,GCS = 15, neck stiffness and positive kernig’s
sign was present. On investigating Hb=9.4gm%, TLC=13,600 cells/mm3
(N-78%;L-20%), platelets 2,13,000cells/mm3; Dengue IgM, IgG &NS1
was negative, CSF routine/microscopy showed protein 49mg/dl, sugar 65mg/dl, WBCs
3cells all of which were lymphocytes, CSF culture showed no growth. Patient was
treated with Intravenous fluids, Inj. Ceftriaxone [100mg/kg/day] and
antipyretics. On a subsequent day patient was delusional with each episode of
fever, being normal between intrafebrile period and on next day Hb was 9.0%,
platelet to 51,000cells/mm3, PT/INR, a PTT, TT was within normal
limits.BP was consistently low (<50th percentile) with wide-pulse
pressure which was maintained within normal limits with support of intravenous
fluids, Dopamine & Noradrenaline and O2, Chest X-ray showed diffuse
infiltrates and Ultrasonography showed IVC collapsibility was 30%.Furthermore,
patient was put on mechanical ventilator on PCV mode with FiO2 90%;
PEEP=10; PIP=14; SIMV Rate 20/min (GCS=7), ABG showed p/F ratio of 190 and
conscious level deteriorated in next 12hours to GCS=3, absent deep tendon
reflexes and extensor planters. Clinically differential diagnosis at this time were
Dengue shock syndrome and septic shock with Acute respiratory distress syndrome. (ARDS) Later
patient’s serum was sent for JE IgM ELISA to National Institute of Virology
(NIV) Pune, which came positive.Patient deep tendon reflexes were present,
later next day they were exaggerated, GCS=7. After 6 days of mechanical
ventilation patient was weaned off (FiO2=21%; PEEP=4; PIP=8; SIMV
rate=20/min) and was taken on SIMV-PC mode for one day and C-PAP for one day, O2
by nasal cannula for one day, then patient was off O2 and dopamine,
noradrenaline on day 9 of admission. No obvious neurological deficit is seen
but deep tendon reflexes were remained exaggerated. MRI also showed
encephalitis changes which were consistent with JE.
is associated with various disorders, among these, viral infections may
be life-threatening. It is due to the viral lesions in the brain which
were found in the cortex, pons, medulla, cerebellum, and spinal cord.
The brain stem lesions were predominantly in the ventral, medial, and
caudal medulla. These areas have been considered to the central
depressor or sympathetic inhibitory mechanisms in the vasomotor center,
destruction of these areas causes an increase in the sympathetic drive
causing systemic vasoconstriction and a shift of the blood to the
pulmonary circulatory system leading to pulmonary edema [5]. These CNS
lesions were previously observed in patients who died of Japanese B
encephalitis [6].
There have been other mechanisms
proposed for ARDS in patients with Japanese B encephalitis such as release of
endogenous nitric oxide which is toxic to lung [7]. It is well known that
nitric oxide exerts vasodilatory effects in various vascular beds. The
production of nitric oxide through inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could
reduce pulmonary hypertension. On the other hand, it may increase the oxygen
free radicals and recruit more capillaries to increase pulmonary microvascular
permeability. In this connection, it was found that endogenous and exogenous
nitric oxide reduced pulmonary hypertension but increased the capillary
filtration coefficient and the extent of injury. Nitric oxide production may be
responsible for the pathogenesis of ARDS due to viral infection, and selective
iNOS blockers may be therapeutic agents for ARDS induced by viral infections
How to cite this article?
Kurane A.B, Kavthekar S.O, Bilagi V.R, Chougale R.A. Japanese encephalitis with Acute respiratory distress syndrome:
A rare presentation. Int J Pediatr Res. 2018;5(11):597-598.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2018.11.08.