Congenital plasmodium vivax
malaria mimicking neonatal sepsis: a case report
Jain A1, Saraswat D2
1Dr Anil Jain, Professor Pediatrics, JLN Medical College, Ajmer,
Rajasthan, 2Dr. Devina Saraswat, Post graduate Resident, Pediatrics,
JLN, Medical College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Address For
Correspondence: Dr. Devina Saraswat, Email:
A case of congenital malaria by plasmodium vivax initially mistaken for
neonatal sepsis is described. Correct diagnosis requires high index of
suspicion with inclusion of congenital malaria in the differential
diagnosis of neonatal sepsis even if the mother has no proven malaria
episodes during gestational period.
Keywords: Congenital
Malaria,Differential Diagnosis of Sepsis, Maternal History of Malaria
Manuscript received:
20th Oct 2015, Reviewed: 5th
Nov 2015
Author Corrected:
12th Nov 2015, Accepted
for Publication: 24th Nov 2015
Severe parasitization of the placenta by malaria parasite particularly
P.Falciparum, P.Vivax also called as Placental Malaria can result in
transplacental transmission of parasite to fetus and consequently
congenital malaria [1,2-4]. However it is pertinent to state that many
of the reports presenting data on the burden of malaria among young
children appear not to focus on infant specifically. This is presumably
because it is thought that infants under the age of six months are
relatively protected against clinical malaria as a result of transfer
of maternal antibodies and the presence of fetal haemoglobin. Precise
definition of congenital malaria is still a subject that is not devoid
of controversy, but symptoms usually occur 10 to 30 days postpartum.
The disease can be observed in a day old baby or be delayed for weeks
or months[1].
Studies had speculated [2,1]- that effectiveness of the placenta to
restrain the malaria parasite passage to the fetus and the remarkable
capacity of the fetus to resist infection [2,3,4,5] was responsible for
rarity of congenital malaria. It is pertinent to state that most cases
of congenital malaria are misdiagnosed initially because of lack of
specific symptoms and general awareness of this uncommon disease [6].
Congenital malaria was defined as the presence of asexual stages of
malarial parasite in cord blood smear at delivery or peripheral blood
smear of the baby in the first 7 days of life, irrespective of clinical
symptoms [7,8].
Therefore for purpose of performing accurate diagnosis of congenital
malaria a good index of suspicion, a careful physical examination and
peripheral blood smear are therefore needed[4,5,6,8]. Sometimes
parasitemia cannot be shown on blood smear and plasmodial antigen
detection or PCR of blood may be necessary[8].
A 18 day old male born to gravida 1 parity 1 hindu female resident
of Nagaur, Rajasthan was admitted in department of
neonatology,NICU, JLN Ajmer for intermittent fever of 4 days duration
with temperature 40 degree celcius . The mother had a spontaneous
normal delivery at 40 week gestation and no abnormal events during
pregnancy period. The newborn birth weight was 3.2 kg was on exclusive
On admission the infant was febrile, with excessive cry and refusal to
feed. Physical examination showed pallor, hepatomegaly (3 cm below
costal margin), splenomegaly(4 cm below costal margin). Respiratory and
cardiovascular systems were normal.
Fig 1 & 2: Baby
Showing Hepato-Splenomegaly
Laboratory evaluation – mild anaemia (Hb 11g/dl) normal total
RBC(3,00,000/ and WBC (7,000/cu mm) platelets (1,00,000/cu mm),
CRP reactive, SGOT = 72, SGPT= 100, S. Bilirubin=2.1). The remaining
biochemistry parameters and metabolic values were within normal
limits.A clinical diagnosis of neonatal sepsis was done and I.V
antibiotic cefotaxime,amikacin were started.
Fig 3 & 4:
Peripheral smear & slide test
After 24 hours of admission a PBF was sent along M.P Card test, reports
revealed P.Vivax positive and PBF showed P. Vivax trophozoites, few
schizonts. Hence diagnosis of P.Vivax was confirmed.[8,10,12,13].
The infant was administered oral chloroquine 10 mg/kg first day and 5
mg/kg for next 4 days. Five days later parasitemia cleared completely ,
as suggested by negative card test and PBF.WBC count increased to
13,000/cu mm, CRP non reactive.Infant was discharged on day 7th with
normal HbValue, platelet count, WBC ,RBC count and biochemical profile.
The history of mother was re-evaluated. She was a primigravida and told
about high grade fever she had at 36 week pregnancy, she took local
treatment for it. Fever was high grade associated with chills and
rigor, every alternate day and relieved with medication, she was given
single I.M injection by local a practitioner( probably artemether) no
documents were available, no blood test were done. Now when mother PBF
was examined it was negative for malaria parasite.
This case showed that diagnosis of congenital malaria should be
considered as an important differential of neonatal sepsis in infants
who are born to mothers coming from malaria endemic countries with or
without malaria disease during pregnancy and newborn with
hepatospleenomegaly, thrombocytopenia and anaemia. [4,5,6,9]. However
proven history of malaria episodes of mother during gestational age is
not essential, as many go undiagnosed [10,11]. Postulated Mechanism for
congenital malaria include maternal transfusion of malarial parasite
into fetal circulation either at the time of delivery or during
pregnancy, direct penetration through chorionic villi, or penetration
through premature separation of placenta.[2] The remarkable capacity of
fetus to resist infection has been demonstrated. This resistance can
reflect the physical barrier of placenta or passive transfer of
maternal antibodies, unfavourable environment offered by fetal RBC due
to fetal Hb concentration[4,7,12]
It can be speculated that the mother had episode of P. Vivax malaria
during third trimester whichwas mild, resolved spontaneously and
remained undiagnosed. Moreover Vivax malaria is not associated with
miscarriage, stillbirth or premature delivery. [2,6,10]. In this case
mother presented with mild anaemia and infant was delivered
spontaneously at term, normal birth weight. The time of onset of
clinical symptoms in congenital malaria can vary immediately after
birth to ten weeks age.[9,10,12].
Diagnosis is simple with microscope examination of blood films, with
strong clinical suspicion.[7,8,13]. Clinical feature of congenital
malaria include anaemia, fever, hepato-splenomegaly, poor feeding,
lethargy, irritability, jaundice, severe thrombocytopenia with or
without bleeding is also frequently seen.[4,5,6,13].
The treatment requires a blood schizonticide like chloroquine whereas
primaquine is unnecessary as in congenital malaria there is no hepatic
stage of parasite.[10,14]. The higher prevalence of congenital malaria
by P.Vivax than falciparum is due to longer incubation period in Vivax
and relatively milder clinical presentation which allows for more
maternal episodes to go undiagnosed and untreated .a potential
additional determinant is represented by contraindication of drugs that
can eradicate liver stage of parasite during pregnancy thus increasing
likelihood of late relapses[1].
In conclusion P. Vivax congenital malaria is a rare condition that
should be included in differential diagnosis of sepsis in newborn at
epidemiological risk.[5,6] More studies are needed to be done to assess
the mechanism of maternal transmission of P.Vivax .
Nil, Conflict of
interest: Nil
Permission from IRB:
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How to cite this article?
Jain A, Saraswat D. Congenital plasmodium vivax malaria mimicking
neonatal sepsis: a case report. Pediatr Rev: Int J Pediatr Res