Profile of Ventilator
Associated Pneumonia in Children Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a
Tertiary Care Center in India
Asha PT1, Kulkarni R.2, Kinikar
A.3, Rajput U.4, Valvi C.5, Dawre R.6
1Dr. Asha P.T., Senior Resident, 2Dr. Rajesh
Kulkarni, Associate Professor, 3Dr. Aarti Kinikar, Professor and
Head, 4Dr. Uday Rajput, Associate Professor, 5Dr. Chhaya Valvi,
Associate Professor, 6Dr. Rahul Dawre, Associate Professor, All
authors are affiliated with Dept.of Pediatrics B.J.
Govt. Medical College, Pune Maharashtra, India
Corresponding Author: Dr. Rajesh Kulkarni, Associate Professor. Department
of Pediatrics, B.J. Govt. Medical College, Pune Maharashtra, India. E-mail:
Introduction: Limited
literature is available on VAP in children, particularly from India.Hence this
study aims to determine the incidence, clinical, laboratory, radiological and
microbiological profile, risk factors, and outcomes of ventilator-associated
pneumonia in pediatric patients. Methods:
This is a prospective observational study which enrolled 125 children who were
mechanically ventilated in the PICU of a tertiary teaching care hospital over a
period of 2 years. Demographic, clinical, radiological and laboratory details
were collected and CPIS was used to diagnose VAP. Endo tracheal aspirates were
obtained at 48hrs and 96 hrs of initiation of mechanical ventilation and were
cultured as per standard guidelines. All the demographic, clinical,
radiological and micro biological details were entered in SPSS version
17.0.Standard statistical tests were used to analyze data. Results: Among the 125 ventilated children, 44 were found to have
VAP as per the CPIS showing its incidence of 35.2%. In our study incidence of
early VAP is 27.6% while that of late VAP is 75%. The major risk factor for the
incidence of VAP in this study was the duration of ventilation. VAP occurred in
75% of patients intubated for more than 5 days. Among 63 children who were
reintubated, 34(53.9%) developed VAP while the incidence of VAP was only 16.1%
among those who were not reintubated (p value- 0.016). In this study out of the
microorganisms isolated in patients with early VAP, 45% were Acinetobacter
species, 20% Klebsiella pneumoniae and 10% Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Whereas in
late onset VAP, Acinetobacter constituted 60% of all microbes while the rest comprised
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%) and Klebsiella pneumonia (6.6%). Conclusions: Significant risk factors
in development of VAP were reintubation and duration of ventilation. The most
common VAP pathogen was Acinetobacter species.Tracheostomized children have
higher incidence of VAP but have higher recovery rates.
Key words: Ventilator
associated pneumonia, Pediatric intensive care unit, Clinical pulmonary
infection score, Multi drug resistance.
Author Corrected: 25th April 2019 Accepted for Publication: 30th April 2019
Over the past fifty years, mechanical ventilation
has undoubtedly represented an advance in the treatment of respiratory
insufficiency. It can be lifesaving, but can lead to complications like
pneumothorax, atelectasis, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), obstruction
of the tracheal tube during the intubation period, tracheal edema and tracheal
stenosis after the extubation period [1]. Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
is defined as pneumonia which occurs after the patient has been on mechanical
ventilation for more than 48 hours [1]. The prevalence ranges from 8%-28% in
PICU [2,3]. VAP increases mortality and the length of ICU stay, which in turn
increases the cost of treatment and chances of ventilator dependence.
The diagnosis of VAP is a critical issue but
challenging with the current approach. With ambiguous clinical findings,
diagnosis mainly depends on radiological and microbiological investigations [4].
Histopathology and culture of lung tissue remains the gold standard but, this
is not feasible in most of the children and hence combinations of clinical,
radiologic and microbiologic evidences are used. Early and accurate diagnosis
is essential to improve the outcomes, and to prevent overuse of antibiotics [5].
Compared to adult population with VAP, pediatric age
group has distinctive characteristics with respect to susceptibility to
infection and comorbid conditions, from the most extremely premature neonates
to young infants, children, and adolescents and varying age-dependent tissue
site antibiotic exposures [6,7]. With paucity of published literature in India
in relation to incidence and microbiological profile of VAP this present study
has been planned to address these aspects in children.
To determine the incidence, clinical, laboratory,
radiological and microbiological profile, risk factors, and outcomes of
ventilator-associated pneumonia in pediatric patients.
and Methods
Setting: The
present study was conducted between April 2014 to March 2016 in pediatric
intensive care unit (PICU) of a tertiary care, referral and teaching hospital
situated in an urban area with an average 1000 admissions per year.
Type of study: This
is a prospective observational study which enrolled 125 children who were
mechanically ventilated in the PICU.
criteria: Inclusion criteria were children from 1
month to 12 years of age who required mechanical ventilation for more than 48
criteria: Exclusion criteria was age less than 1
month and more than 12 years and readmission to PICU after shift out to ward.
Sample size:With
an assumption of VAP incidence of 20% [2,3] a sample size for this study was
calculated as 75 assuming incidence of VAP among pediatric patients in previous
studies which was around 20%, and permissible level of error in the estimated
prevalence taken as 9%.
consideration and Permission: The
Institutional Ethics Community (IEC) approval was taken and patients were
enrolled after written informed consent of parents.
validated proforma captured the patient’s demographic details, nutritional
status and underlying primary diagnosis. Details about duration of hospital
stay, ventilatory days, reintubation (patients who have received more than one
endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy were documented. All enrolled children
who were ventilated for more than 48 hours were monitored for features
suggestive of nosocomial infection or VAP i.e. purulent tracheal secretions,
new and persistent chest findings and body temperature instability. These
children underwent partial septic screen including differential blood counts,
blood cultures, tracheal aspirate for culture and sensitivity and chest X-ray.
Clinical pulmonary infection score (CPIS) was used
for the diagnosis of VAP in (table 1) [8].Data recorded were fever, leukocyte
count, PaO2/FiO2 (Partial arterial oxygen/Fraction of inspired oxygen),
character of tracheal secretions and radiological findings. Chest radiographs
were reported by a senior radiologist who was blinded to the clinical history
of the patient.The nature of tracheal secretions was also noted by performing regular
ETT suction.
Table-1: Clinical Pulmonary
Infection Score
points |
0 |
1 |
2 |
(0C) |
> 36.5
and < 38.4 |
38.5 to
38.9 |
>39 or
< 36 |
count(per mm3) |
4000-11,000 |
<4000,or>11,000 |
or >11,000 +band forms > 500 |
ratio |
> 240 or
and no evidence of ARDS |
X-ray infiltrates |
infiltrates |
Diffuse |
Localised |
secretions |
Rare |
Abundant |
purulent |
Microbiology |
Negative |
Positive |
above parameters were routinely and meticulously recorded in patient charts at
pre specified time points (at 48th hour and 96th hour following initiation of
mechanical ventilation).
CPIS of more than 6 during first assessment and
during second assessment were considered as having early VAP and late VAP
Endo tracheal aspirates were obtained at 48hours and
96hours of initiation of mechanical ventilation by a trained resident on duty
with sterile mucous extractor under all aseptic precautions.The specimen
collected was immediately transported aseptically to the laboratory within one
hour of collection. Sample collected at night was stored at 4 degree centigrade
overnight and sent to the laboratory next day morning for gram staining and
culture. Purulent respiratory secretions were defined as secretions from the
lungs, bronchi, or trachea that contain >25 neutrophils per low power field
Culture and sensitivity of the aspirates were also
done as per CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute) guidelines. Semi
qualitative method was used to classify growth. Those with moderate to heavy
growth were considered as culture positive. Multidrug-resistant pathogens were
defined as those resistant to three or more antimicrobial classes. Clinical,
radiological, and microbiological data of studied patients are summarized in
table 2.
Data collected was tabulated in a Microsoft Excel
2010 spread sheet. All the demographic, clinical, radiological and micro
biological details were entered in SPSS version 17.0. Descriptive statistics
were used to calculate the frequencies of categorical data, and to compute
means and standard deviations of continuous variables. Chi-square test and
Fisher exact tests were used for the analysis of categorical variables (mode of
ventilation, gender etc.). Student t-test was applied to find the difference
between the means (SD) of continuous variables (length of stay, duration of
ventilation etc.). A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically
The total number of patents admitted to PICU during
the study period was 1910 among which 246(12.8%) children were ventilated. Out
of this 125(50.8%) required mechanical ventilation for more than 48 hours.
Among the 125 ventilated children, 44 were found to have VAP as per the CPIS
showing its incidence of 35.2%. In our study incidence of early VAP is 27.6%
while that of late VAP is 75%. Incidence of VAP was more in male children which
was 25(56.8%). Amongst children diagnosed with VAP, 30 (68.1%) were less than 5
years and 14 (31.8%) were between 5 and 12years of age.
Table-2: Clinical,
radiological historical and microbiological data of studied patients
Factors |
No VAP Group |
VAP Group |
p Value |
Gender Male Female |
45(55.5) 36(44.5) |
25(56.8) 19(43.1) |
0.161 |
Duration of
ventilation Less than 5 days More than 5 days |
76(72.4) 5(25) |
29(27.6) 15(75) |
< 0.001 |
Reintubation |
29(35) |
34(77) |
0.016 |
Blood culture |
4(4.9) |
4(9.1) |
0.451 |
Fever |
61(75.3) |
38(86.3) |
0.023 |
count |
37(45.6) |
30(68.1) |
0.016 |
PaO2/ FiO2
ratio |
17(20.9) |
23(52.2) |
0.012 |
Chest radiography
(localised infiltrates) |
9(11.1) |
22(50) |
0.007 |
Tracheal secretions(purulent) |
8(9.9) |
31(70) |
< 0.001 |
aspirate culture and sensitivity |
6(7.5) |
35(79.5) |
< 0.001 |
Tracheostomy |
1(25) |
3(75) |
0.125 |
Outcome (recovered) |
33(40.7) |
13(29.5) |
0.110 |
common clinical condition requiring mechanical ventilation was respiratory
failure (60%) followed by altered mental status (24.8%). The major risk factor
for the incidence of VAP in this study was the duration of ventilation. VAP
occurred in 75% of patients intubated for more than 5 days.
Figure-1: Study Flow Chart
Another risk factor was reintubation. Among 63
children who were reintubated, 34(53.9%) developed VAP while the incidence of
VAP was only 16.1% among those who were not reintubated (p value- 0.016).
Radiography (chest X-ray) revealed diffuse infiltrates in 69.1% among non VAP
group, 55.2% in early VAP and 33.3% in late VAP group. We found that localized
infiltrates were more specific with regard to VAP. Localized infiltrates were
seen in only 11.1% among the non VAP group patients while it was 44.8% and
60.0% in the early VAP group and late VAP group respectively.
65.5% of the
patients with early VAP had purulent tracheal secretions while purulent
secretions were found only in 40% of patients diagnosed with late VAP. In this
study out of the microorganisms isolated in patients with early VAP, 45% were
Acinetobacter species, 20% Klebsiella pneumoniae and 10% Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. Whereas in late onset VAP, Acinetobacter constituted 60% of all
microbes while the rest comprised of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%) and
Klebsiella pneumonia (6.6%).
75% of patients who had undergone tracheostomy had
VAP while incidence of VAP in patients who did not undergo tracheostomy was
33.8% (p value=0.125). But in our study, it was seen that 100% of patients with
VAP who had undergone tracheostomy recovered while recovery rate in other
patients with VAP who had not undergone tracheostomy was only 24.3%. So, the
patients with VAP who had undergone tracheostomy had a better prognosis than
those who did not undergo tracheostomy which was statistically significant (p
It was observed that mortality in the patients with
early VAP was 79.3% (23) while in those with late VAP was 53.3% (8). Mortality
rate in patients without VAP was 59.2% (48).
The incidence of VAP in
our study is 35.2% which is high
compared to earlier studies conducted [9,10]. Being a tertiary
government referral centre for many critical and end stage patients due to
mainly economic reasons could have contributed to higher incidence. Incidence
of VAP differs greatly based on setting and location in critically ill children
in PICU.Although higher VAP rates have been reported before, our study reports
high levels of MDR bacteria causing VAP [11,12]. Late referral, younger age,
co-morbidities, and inadequate implementation of standard VAP Prevention
guidelines may have contributed to higher VAP-related mortality in the present
study. Highest incidence of VAP was seen in children between one and five years
of age which has been reported by earlier studies on VAP.
Most common
clinical condition requiring mechanical ventilation in this study was
respiratory failure, similar findings were seen in other studies [13,14]. Most
common risk factor for incidence of VAP which was also seen in other studies
was increased duration of ventilation [15] and reintubation [16]. Also, it was
observed that incidence of VAP was higher in those conditions which required
prolonged ventilation like CNS diseases and tetanus while it was less in
diseases which required lesser days on ventilator like shock and pneumonia.
100% of patients with early onset VAP and 93.3% with late
onset VAP had new infiltrates (p value-0.007) on chest radiograph.Purulent
secretions were seen only in 9.9% of patients without VAP.
The most common
pathogen isolated from culture of tracheal aspirates in patients with VAP was
Acientobacter species, and this was similar study conducted by Galal et al
[17]. Majority of the isolates showed multibacterial resistance which is a
concern in other studies also [18,19].
Majority of the
patients with tracheostomy (75%) developed VAP. This was similar to the study
conducted by Bigham [20]. Tracheostomy was found to be another independent risk
factor as it is probable that leakage of pooled secretions around the
tracheostomy tube into the trachea increases tracheal colonization and leads to
VAP. Even though there was a higher incidence of VAP in tracheostomized
patients, the recovery rate was significantly higher among them (p
value=0.110). This has not been reported in other studies. We feel the recovery
may be better in tracheostomized patients due to easier tracheobronchial
The strengths of
our study include the prospective nature and adequate number of children
Our study had a
few limitations. Lung biopsy was not done in our study which may have limited
the accuracy of the correlation with the risk factors and outcomes. Invasive
techniques to differentiate between infection and colonization such as Broncho
Alveolar Lavage (BAL) were not available.Also we did not study association of
VAP with some known risk factors like parenteral nutrition (as TPN facility is
not available and aggressive enteral nutrition is advocated in our unit),acid
suppression( not used routinely in ventilated children in our unit) and head
end position( head elevation to 30 degree routinely done for all ventilated
children in our PICU).
The incidence of VAP in this study was high when
compared to other similar studies all over the world. Significant risk factors
in development of VAP were reintubation and duration of ventilation. Mortality
rates were similar between patients with and without VAP. Even though there was
a higher incidence of VAP in tracheostomized patients, the recovery rate was significantly
higher among them. The most common VAP pathogen was Acinetobacter species. Gram negative bacteria (usually seen in
hospital acquired infections) were isolated in most cases of early VAP which
necessitates the need of early diagnosis of VAP for better treatment and
outcome. Most of the pathogens exhibited
multidrug resistance.
What This Study
Adds: There is high incidence of VAP with MDR
organisms. CPIS and tracheal aspirate cultures help in early diagnosis of VAP.
Tracheostomized children have higher incidence of VAP but have higher recovery
Contributors: APT–data collection, review of literature and
drafting of manuscript, RKK-drafting of manuscript, review of literature, analysis,
AAK. CTV, UR, RD, RB- drafting of manuscript, review of literature, analysis
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank department of Pathology, Microbiology
and Radiology of BJGMC, Pune for their contributions to the study.
Conflict of interest- Nil
Funding- None
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How to cite this article?
Asha PT, Kulkarni R, Kinikar A, Rajput U, Valvi C, Dawre R. Profile of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in Children Admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a Tertiary Care Center in India. Int J Pediatr Res. 2019;6(04):171- 176.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2019.i04.04.