A study
to access the hemoglobin level and sociodemographic profile of underfive children having Pica
Pandey D.C.1, Verma A.2, Abbas J.3, Saif M.4
1Dr. Dinesh
Chandra Pandey, Professor & Head, 2Dr.
Ashish Verma, Associate Professor, 3Dr. Jaigam Abbas, Associate Professor, 4Dr. Mohd. Saif, Assistant Professor; all authors are affiliated with
Pediatrics Career Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Ashish
Verma, Associate Professor, Pediatrics Career Institute of Medical Sciences,
Lucknow, India. C-2/612, Jankipuram Sitapur Road, Lucknow, India. E-mail: ashish.paed81@gmail.com
Introduction: Pica is a disorder that
occurs when children persistently eat one or more non-food substances over the
course of at least one month. Pica may result in serious medical problems, such as intestinal blockage,
poisoning, parasitic infection, and sometimes death. The typical non-food
substances that children with pica ingest tend to vary with age. Method: This prospective study was undertaken at a
pediatric outdoor department Career Institute of Medical Sciences Lucknow since
Jan 2019 to Mar 2019. All the under five years children visiting pediatric
clinic with direct or indirect history of pica were enrolled for the study. The
mothers were interviewed in depth regarding their
sociodemographic profile and Hemoglobin level of all the children done. Results:
In our study most of the children belongs to the age group 12-24 months
66(36.67%). Most of the parents were educated upto secondary education only and
belong to joint families.Children belongs to rural area 111(61.6%) were more in
number and Only 87(48.33%) of the children were exclusive breast fed. In our
study only 20.56% children have normal hemoglobin level while 79.44% children
have hemoglobin level below 12.0gm/dl and classified as anemic children, out of
which 35.56% children have mild anemia, 25.00% children have moderate anemia
and 18.89% children had severe anemia.Conclusion:
Pica is mostly related with micronutrient deficiencies. Because of lower breastfeeding rate and
delayed starting of complementary feeding the children are prone for micronutrient
deficiencies leading to pica behavior in children. Knowledge of pica is the key
for prevention.
words: Pica, Complementary feeding, Micronutrient
Author Corrected: 4th May 2019 Accepted for Publication: 9 th May 2019
word pica comes from the Latin word for magpie, a bird with a reputation for
eating practically anything. The Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, defines pica as
persistent eating of nonnutritive substances for at least 1 month that is
inappropriate to developmental level and not part of a culturally supported or
socially normative practice [1].
Pica is a disorder that occurs when children persistently eat
one or more non-food substances over the course of at least one month. Pica may
not sound like a dangerous problem, but when you consider that the non-food
substances that are ingested are frequently toxic or otherwise harmful to the
human body, the potential for illness and even death becomes clear. Pica may
result in serious medical problems, such as intestinal blockage, poisoning,
parasitic infection, and sometimes death. The typical non-food substances that
children with pica ingest tend to vary with age. Younger children with Pica
frequently eat paint, plaster, string, hair, or cloth. In contrast, older
children with Pica tend to eat animal droppings, sand, insects, leaves, or
pebbles [2].
Exploration of objects by mouthing and
tasting is a part of normal, healthy development and is not considered
pathological pica behavior. Pica is suspected only when (a) nonfood items are
consumed repeatedly over the course of a month or long, despite efforts to
curtail the behavior; (b) the behavior is considered inappropriate for the
individual’s developmental age (i.e., beyond the 18-month level); (c) it is not
a cultural practice; and (d) the behavior is a symptom of another mental
disorder and is of sufficient concern to warrant medical attention (American
Psychiatric Association, 1994)[3].
Pica has been shown to be the predisposing
factor in accidental ingestion of poisons. The ingestion of bizarre or unusual
substances also have been resulted in many potentially threatening toxicities
such as gastrointestinal, including mechanical bowel problems, ulcerations,
recurrent chest infections, anemia etc(2-5). Lead toxicity is the most common
poisoning associated with pica [4]. In the light of these facts this study was
planned and executed.
and Objective
To study the demographic profile, and anemia
status by using hemoglobin level of under five children having pica and to
educate the parents about pica and its consequences.
and Methods
of study& Setting: This prospective study was
undertaken at a pediatric out patient department Career Institute of Medical
Sciences Lucknow from Jan 2019 to Mar 2019.
method: The convenient sampling
technique was adopted for the present study. Sample size was 180.
technique: simple random sampling technique
used for the study
Criteria The study includes:
· All
under five children having history of Pica attending pediatric department
during study period.
· Parents
were willing to take part in the study.
· Parents
were able to understand Hindi or English.
Criteria The study excludes:
Children with mental sub normality were excluded from the study
· Under
five children having congenital problems.
· Under
five children having developmental delay.
· Under
five children whose parents are not willing to participate in the study.
· Children
of less than one year and more than five years of age.
Analysis: Descriptive statistical method
was used for data analysis. Frequency, percentage distribution, was used for demographic profile, breast feeding,
complementary feeding and hemoglobin level.
Ethical consideration: Permission was taken from the ethical committee of the
institute before starting the study. Verbal consent was taken from the parents
of all participants before starting study.
The mothers were interviewed in depth
regarding type of family, educational and working status, breast feeding and
complementary feeding. presenting complaint was asked. General physical, anthropometric
and systemic examination and simple routine investigations done. History about
The material used for pica was taken. Health education given to each mother
regarding breastfeeding, complementary feeding and Pica.
From January-2019 to till march-2019 we had
enrolled total 180 underfive children with complain of pica, number of male
children 98(54.4%) outrages the females 82(45.56%), figure-1 depicts that in
our study most of the children belongs to the age group 12-24 months and they
are 66(36.67%) while children of age group of 48-60 months were least in
numbers that is 37(20.56%).
Figure-1: Age & Sex Distribution (n=180)
Table-1: Mother and father’s education status
of the subjects
education |
Total |
Fathers education |
Total |
No formal education |
14(07.78%) |
No formal education |
13(07.22%) |
Up to Primary education only |
49(27.22%) |
Up to Primary education only |
46(25.56%) |
Up to Secondary education only |
70(38.89%) |
Up to Secondary education only |
67(37.22%) |
Up to Higher Secondary education
only |
37(20.56%) |
Up to Higher Secondary education only |
44(24.44%) |
Graduation and above |
10(05.56%) |
Graduation and above |
10(05.56%) |
Total |
180(100%) |
Total |
180(100%) |
Most of the parents of the children were
educated upto secondary education only (table-1)
Family type
of subjects
Figure-3: Area of living
Table-2: Exclusive
breastfeeding status of the subjects
Age |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
months |
18(10.00%) |
14(07.78%) |
12(06.67%) |
12(06.67%) |
56(31.11%) |
months |
11(6.11%) |
09(05.00%) |
09(05.00%) |
12(06.67%) |
41(22.78%) |
months |
14(7.78%) |
17(09.44%) |
06(03.33%) |
09(05.00%) |
(25.56%) |
months |
07(03.89%) |
08(04.44%) |
10(5.56%) |
12(06.67%) |
37(20.56%) |
Total |
50(27.78%) |
48(26.67%) |
37(20.56%) |
45(25.00%) |
180 (100%) |
Most of the under five children belong to joint families 101(56.11%). Children
belongs to rural area 111(61.6%) were more in number and Only 87(48.33%) of the
children were exclusive breast fed (table 2).
Table-3: Complementary feeding
status of the subjects (started at 6 the age of 6 months)
Age |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
months |
12(06.67%) |
20(11.11%) |
14(07.78%) |
10(05.56%) |
56(31.11%) |
months |
08(04.44%) |
12(06.67%) |
09(05.00%) |
12(06.67%) |
41(22.78%) |
months |
14(07.78%) |
17(09.44%) |
08(04.44%) |
07(03.89%) |
(25.56%) |
months |
06(03.33%) |
09(05.00%) |
09(05.00%) |
13(07.22%) |
37(20.56%) |
Total |
40(22.22%) |
58(32.22%) |
40(22.22%) |
42(23.33%) |
180 (100%) |
shows that timely starting of complementary feeding was only 80(44.44%).
Table-4 Presenting complain in
children (n=180).
complains |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Pica (direct) |
23(12.78%) |
17(09.44%) |
41(22.78%) |
Pica (indirect) |
Fever |
12(06.67%) |
14(07.78%) |
26(14.44%) |
Cough/cold |
14(07.78%) |
07(03.89%) |
21(11.67%) |
Pain abdomen |
18(10.00%) |
16(08.89%) |
34(18.89%) |
Poor appetite |
15(08.33%) |
11(06.11%) |
26(14.44%) |
Loose motion |
04(02.22%) |
07(03.89%) |
11(06.11%) |
Vomiting |
06(3.33%) |
03(01.67%) |
09(05.00%) |
Lethargy |
03(01.67%) |
05(02.78%) |
08(4.44%) |
Passing worms in stool |
03(01.67%) |
01(0.56%) |
04(2.22%) |
Total |
98(54.44%) |
82(45.56%) |
180(100%) |
Only 41(22.78%) children have direct history
of Pica as presenting complains while rest other children presented for various
other complains like pain abdomen 34(18.89%), fever 26(14.44%), poor appetite
26(14.44%), cough 21(11.67%), loose motion 11(06.11%), vomiting 09(05.00%),
lethargy 08(04.44%), passing worms in stool 04(02.22%) respectively in
descending order.
Table-5: Type of material used for
PICA (n=180)
Material |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Clay/sand/mud/plaster |
66(36.67%) |
57(31.67%) |
123(68.33%) |
Uncooked rice/pulses |
41(22.78%) |
26(14.44%) |
67(37.22%) |
Papers |
27(15.00%) |
20(11.11%) |
47(26.11%) |
Cloths |
18(10.00%) |
19(10.56%) |
37(20.56%) |
Uncooked vegetable |
25(13.89%) |
28(15.56%) |
53(29.44%) |
Pencil/rubber/chalk |
23(12.78%) |
24(13.33%) |
46(25.56%) |
Table 5 depicts that the material used for
pica mostly was clay/sand/plaster 123(68.33%), uncooked rice/pulses 67(37.22%),
uncooked vegetables 53(29.44%), papers 47(26.11%), pencil/rubber/chalk
46(25.56%) and cloths 37(20.56%)
Table-6: Children having Anemia
level |
Male |
Female |
Total |
More than 12(Normal) |
21(11.67%) |
16(08.89%) |
37(20.56%) |
10-12gm/dl(Mild anemia) |
37(20.56%) |
27(15.0%) |
64(35.56%) |
7-10gm/dl(Moderate anemia) |
23(12.78%) |
22(06.67%) |
45(25.00%) |
Less than 7 gm/dl(Severe anemia) |
17(09.44%) |
17(09.44%) |
34(18.89%) |
Total |
98(54.44%) |
82(45.56%) |
180(100%) |
In our study only 37(20.56%) children had normal
hemoglobin level while 64(35.56%) children have mild anemia, 45(25.00%)
children have moderate anemia and 34(18.89%) children had severe anemia
Pica is a quiet old condition but still pica
remains a mysterious and fascinating occurrence. It seems to be strongly
associated with iron deficiency anemia, and in the majority of cases the
unusual eating and chewing behavior disappears upon iron supplementation
[5,6,7,8]. Several hypotheses exist about why iron deficiency causes pica,
including physiological mechanisms; however, there is no single agreed upon
explanation [9]. When associated with iron deficiency, it is believed to be a
symptom of the deficiency rather than its cause [9]. Occasionally, pica
practices cause other nutritional deficiencies such as hypokalemia (clay and
Kayexalate ingestion [10]). There have been several theories explaining the
causes of pica. Earlier investigators proposed thatpica practices compensated
for nutritional deficiencies, such as iron or zinc, but this idea was discarded
as ice, rubber, foam and several other items, consumed by those who practice
pica, do not have any known nutritional value [11]. Interestingly, pica is
practiced when a patient is least supervised. Patients are also secretive of their
pica habits and are often reluctant to mention it. Pica symptoms will thus go
unnoticed unless the physician specifically addresses them [12,13].
In our study the number of male children
98(54.4%) exceeds the number of female 82(45.56%) children just like the study
done by R K Gupta and Bhatia et al where the percentage of male children were
60%, 58.82% and females were 40%, 41.18% respectively[14,15]. Because our
institute is located in the rural area of the Lucknow district so the Children
belongs to rural area 111(61.6%) were more in number. Most of the parents were
educated up to secondary class only.The exclusive breast feeding rate was only
48.33% and the complementary feeding started at the age of six month in only in
44.44%, because of lower breast feeding rate and delayed starting of
complementary feeding the children are prone for micronutrient deficiencies
leading to pica behavior in children [16] that is supported by study done by
Singhi et al have demonstrated low levels of micronutrient like iron and zinc
in children with pica[17].
In our study only 22.78% mothers had given
direct history of Pica as presenting complain while in the study done by R K
Gupta et al About 32% mothers gave direct history of pica as presenting
complains[15]. pica is a behavioral problem of developing children so the
chances of child coming to hospital with complain of pica is less, most of the
parents think that the problem of pica is related to the development and it
will be corrected by its own as the child grow with time[16]. Some of the
parents think that this problem is related with the micronutrient deficiencies
so they come to hospital for the same.
In the present study the material used for
pica mostly was clay/sand/plaster in 68.33% because most of our study
population belongs to rural area and the clay is easily available substance
that’s why used for eating.Our study finding is supported by the study of
Bhatia etal, who had found in his study that 47.89% children were using clay to
satisfy their pica behavior [15].
Pica is associated with many micronutrient
deficiencies and vise versa. Most of the children with pica have parasitic
infestation [18]. Because of these micronutrient deficiencies, parasitic
infestation and problem in absorption of iron due to these materials children
are prone for anemia [19].In our study only 20.56% children have normal
hemoglobin level while 79.44% children have hemoglobin level below 12.0gm/dl
and classified as anemic children, out of which 35.56% children have mild anemia,
25.00% children have moderate anemia and 18.89% children had severe anemia.
These findings were supported by many studies suggestive of anemia in children
like Bhatia et al., 2015 Ali,2001; Hackworth & Williams, 2003; Lemanek et
al., 2002; Rose et al., 2000)[16,19,20,21]. Certain substances are shown to
interfere with absorption of iron by the body; however, pica is more often seen
as a physiological response to a preexisting iron deficiency [16]. Nutritional
deficiencies can also result when individuals substitute nonfood items for
calorie-bearing, nutritive foods [21]. Some picas pose serious health risks,
which include toxicity; intestinal infections and/or parasites; malnutrition,
anemia, and other nutritional deficiencies; oral and dental health problems;
and intestinal obstruction/ perforation [23,24,25]. Indirect complications
include being avoided by others and the danger of bodily harm related to the
process of searching for desired items. In certain cases, pica may be life
threatening [26].
Nutrient supplements are often used to reduce
pica in individuals with and without DD. Iron supplements are recommended most
often, and reductions of pica occur in some cases [26,27,28]. Pica is also
somewhat effectively treated with zinc supplements. In an institution in North
Carolina, 54% of residents with known pica behavior were judged to have low
zinc levels. After supplementation, pica behavior decreased from 23 incidents
to 4.3 incidents per person across a 2-week period [29].
Pica is a common problem in children but most
of the parents think that this is a problem related to the age of the children
and it will subside by its onbut many studies including ours also has shown
that pica is mostly related with anemia and micronutrient deficiencies and if
parents are aware about it this will lead to avoidance of Pica and improving
the health status of the children. Educating parents about pica is most
important for prevention and treatment of Pica.
First and second author were major
contributor in the collection of data and planning of study, while third and
fourth author helped in data collection and compilation of data.
What this study
adds to existing knowledge: Present study recommends that exclusive breast feeding upto the age of
6 months and initiation of complementary feeding at 6months will be a
preventive aspect of micronutrient deficiency leading to Pica. Knowledge about
pica and its consequences are also very helpful to parents to avoid pica in
their children.
How to cite this article?
Pandey D.C, Verma A, Abbas J, Saif M. A study to access the hemoglobin level and sociodemographic profile of underfive children having Pica. Int J Pediatr Res. 2019;6(05):194-200.doi:10.17511/ijpr.2019.i05.01