
Research Article


Pediatric Review - International Journal of Pediatric Research

2021 Volume 8 Number 3 May-June

To study the outcome of exchange transfusion in severe neonatal sepsis in neonates admitted in NICU at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar memorial hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

Narayan Rao B.1, Dewangan S.2, Kumar Singh V.3*
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17511/ijpr.2021.i03.05

1 Badri Narayan Rao, Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

2 Shashikant Dewangan, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

3* Vikas Kumar Singh, Postgraduate, Department of Paediatrics, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

Background: Sepsis is one of the most common causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Immaturity of the immune system, newborn infants are highly susceptible to systemic infection. Blood exchange transfusion in severe neonatal sepsis remove bacteria, bacterial toxins, and circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, improve perfusion and tissue oxygenation, correct the plasma coagulation system and enhance immunological defence mechanisms. Material and methods: This is a hospital-based, time-bound, analytical observational study conducted from January 2019 to December 2019 in the NICU of Dr. B.R.A.M. Hospital & Pt. J. N. M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. The data was collected in pre-designed proforma, entered in Microsoft Excel and analysis was done using SSPS v 22.0. Result: About 42 neonates were diagnosed with severe neonatal severe. Of which 23 (54.76%) were preterm, 42.24% were term neonates. Maximum 22 (52.38%) were VLBW, 4.76% were LBW and 19.05% were with normal birth weight. In the study two-third of 28 (66.67%) were outborn and one third were inborn. In the present study majority of 30 (71.43%) had EOS and 12 (28.57%) had LOS. In our study out of 42 study subjects 24 (57.14%) died and 18 (42.86%) were discharged after blood exchange transfusion. Of those who died 15 (62.5%) were preterm and of those discharged 10 (55.6%) were term neonates (p=0.349). Outborn neonates more died as compare to inborn though this was also not significant (p=0.133). Conclusion: significant reduction of mortality in patients who underwent exchange transfusion, together with the no adverse effects observed, suggest that this procedure should be considered for the treatment of neonates with severe sepsis.

Keywords: Neonatal sepsis, Exchange transfusion, Term neonates

Corresponding Author How to Cite this Article To Browse
Vikas Kumar Singh, Postgraduate, Department of Paediatrics, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Rao BN, Dewangan S, Singh VK. To study the outcome of exchange transfusion in severe neonatal sepsis in neonates admitted in NICU at Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar memorial hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. Pediatric Rev Int J Pediatr Res. 2021;8(3):152-159.
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© 2021 by Badri Narayan Rao, Shashikant Dewangan, Vikas Kumar Singh and Published by Siddharth Health Research and Social Welfare Society. This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ unported [CC BY 4.0].


As per World Health Organization (WHO) sepsis/infection is one of the most common causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity [1]. It has been estimated that 7.6million children younger than five years of age died in 2010; of these deaths, 64% were attributed to infectious causes, and neonates contributed to a significant proportion (40.3%)[2].

Owing to the immaturity of the immune system, newborn infants are highly susceptible to systemic infection [3-6]. Studies have demonstrated a significant deficit across both innate and adaptive immunity. Neonatal adaptive immune function is hampered by deficiencies in T-cell function and B-cell function (weak immunoglobulin production) and by underdeveloped secondary lymphoid tissues [3, 6]. The innate immune system of these neonates is compromised by deficits in barrier integrity; circulating complement components; expression of antimicrobial proteins and peptides; quantitative and qualitative impairments in neutrophil, monocyte, macrophage, and dendritic cell functions; and decreased response to most Toll-like receptor agonists [5, 6].

The mortality rate can reach 60% in very low birth weight infants (VLBWI, birth weight < 1500 g) [7]. Early diagnosis, timely administration of appropriate antibiotics, and proper supportive therapy are crucial to improve survival and reduce long-term sequelae [8, 9]. Unfortunately, neonatal sepsis can progress rapidly to septic shock, occurring in 1.3% of neonates hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), with an overall mortality of 40%, reaching 71% in neonates weighing less than 1000 g at the onset of sepsis [10].

Case reports published in the medical literature in the 1970s [11, 12]. reporting the effective use of exchange transfusion (ET) in severe neonatal infection with sclerema prompted some authors to use this procedure as rescue therapy in neonates with severe sepsis in subsequent years [13–15]. The rationale for the use of ET using fresh, whole, adult blood is to remove bacteria, bacterial toxins, and circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines; to improve perfusion and tissue oxygenation; to correct the plasma coagulation system; and to enhance immunological defence mechanisms (increase in circulating levels of C3, immunoglobulins, improvement in the opsonic activity against the pathogen, enhancement of neutrophil function) [16-18].

Despite these potential benefits, very few studies were conducted in the last few decades to investigate the clinical efficacy of ET in neonatal sepsis and septic shock [16, 19-20]. Although most studies showed some beneficial effects to the use of ET, clear evidence for its clinical efficacy is lacking. The discrepancy observed across studies can be attributed largely to the use of different inclusion and exclusion criteria, diagnostic criteria, and study designs.

However there is a paucity of published studies and data on exchange transfusion on the outcome of neonatal sepsis cases particularly in developing countries. Therefore this prospective study was decided to conduct in a tertiary care teaching hospital in central India to measure the outcome of exchange transfusion in severe neonatal sepsis in term and preterm neonates.

Primary Objectives:

  1. To study mortality rate in severe neonatal sepsis undergoing exchange transfusion.
  2. To compare the outcome of term and preterm neonates with severe sepsis undergoes exchange transfusion.

Material and Methods

Study design: This is a hospital-based, time-bound, analytical observational study conducted from January 2019 to December 2019.

Study setting: This study was conducted in the NICU of Dr. B. R. A. M. Hospital & Pt. J. N. M. Medical College, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.

Study duration: This study was conducted from January 2019 to December 2019.

Sample Size and Subject Selection: In this hospital-based time-bound analytical observational study, we enrol all neonates >1000 gm admitted with severe sepsis undergoing exchange transfusion to fulfil all criteria.

Inclusion criteria: Neonates weighing >1000 gm having sepsis with evidence of sclerema undergoing exchange transfusion.

Exclusion criteria

  1. All neonates having severe sepsis with multiple congenital anomalies
  2. All neonates having severe sepsis without sclerema
  3. All neonates having severe sepsis with HIE

  1. All neonates having severe sepsis with RDS
  2. All neonates having severe sepsis with MAS
  3. All neonates having weight <1000 gms

Major variable: Weight, Gestational age, Severe sepsis

Outcome variable: Mortality rate, Organ dysfunction, Duration of hospital stay, duration of antibiotic therapy, Adverse events during exchange transfusion

Data entry and analysis: Data entry was done in Excel and analysis was done using SPSS 20.0 software. Wherever, possible percentage, Chi-square test and logistic regression were applied.


Neonatal sepsis defined as any sign and symptoms of bacteremia with any two or more of the following septic screening (WBC count <5000/mm3, ANC < 1800/mm3, Immature to total neutrophil ratio >0.2, micro ESR >15 mm in 1st hour, CRP > 10 mg/L. Signs and symptoms of bacteremia include hypothermia/hyperthermia, lethargy, poor cry, refusal to suck, poor perfusion prolonged capillary refill time, hypotonia, absent neonatal reflexes, bradycardia/tachycardia, respiratory distress, apnea, gasping respiration, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis.

Severe neonatal sepsis defined as neonatal sepsis with sclerema. Sclerema defined as diffuse hardening of subcutaneous tissue with minimal inflammation.

Those neonates that satisfied the inclusion criteria with severe sepsis enrolled and after obtaining written and informed consent from their parents/legal guardian, all basic demographic and clinical details recorded in a pre-designed proforma. Proforma contained information of neonates, gender, age, weight, DOB, DOA, GA, maturity, risk factors, vitals before and after exchange transfusion, investigation reports. Each neonate followed until the outcome (discharge from NICU or death).


In our study around half of the study subjects were 23 (54.76%) were preterm and the rest were term neonates. In the study two-third of 28 (66.67%) were outborn and one third were inborn admissions who underwent exchange transfusion.

majority 30 (71.43%) had EOS and 12 (28.57%) had LOS, in EOS 17 (40.48%) had PROM, 5 (11.90%) had > 3 vaginal exam and 3 (7.14%) each had a maternal fever, foul-smelling discharge and uterine tenderness and (40.48%) of neonates had prematurity/LBW as a risk factor for sepsis. Out of 42 study subjects 24 (57.14%) have died and 18 (42.86%) were discharged after exchange transfusion treatment. Of those who died 15 (62.5%) were preterm and of those discharged 10 (55.6%) were term neonates (p=0.349). Outborn neonates more died as compare to inborn though this was also not significant (p=0.133). Neonates who stayed for fewer days in hospitals had more dying as compared to those who stayed for longer duration and this was also statistically significant (p=0.000). Morality in 2-5 days and 5-10 days of hospital duration was 100% and in more than 10 days it was 16.67%. In our study out of 36 culture-positive samples 15 (41.7%) were discharged after treatment and 21 (58.3%) died. Of 36 culture positives maximum of 10 were positive for Klebsiella, 8 for E.coli, 6 each for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, 4 were positive for Acinobactor and 2 were positive for Enterococcus. In present study maximum 32 (76.19%) had cardiovascular dysfunction, 28 (66.67%) had respiratory system dysfunction and 11 (26.19%) had renal system dysfunction.

Table-1: Maturity of study subjects

Maturity Freq. Percent
Preterm 23 54.76
Term 19 45.24
Total 42 100

Table 1 shows the maturity of study subjects. 23 (54.76%) were preterm, 45.24% were term neonates.

Table-2: Type of admission of study subjects

Type of admission Freq. Percent
Inborn 14 33.33
Out born 28 66.67
Total 42 100

Table 2 shows the type of admission of study subjects. 28 (66.67%) were outborn and one third were inborn.

Table-3: maternal risk factors in study subjects

Maternal risk factors Freq. Percent
PROM 17 40.48
>3 vaginal exam 5 11.90

Maternal fever 3 7.14
Foul smelling discharge 3 7.14
Uterine tenderness 2 4.76
Hyperleukocytosis 2 4.76
No 10 23.81
Total 42 100

Table 3 shows maternal risk factor in study subjects, 17 (40.48%) had PROM, 5 (11.90%) had > 3 vaginal exam and 3 (7.14%) each had maternal fever, foul smelling discharge and 2 (4.76%) each had uterine tenderness, hyperleukocytosis.

Table-4: Treatment outcome of study subjects

Outcome Freq. Percent
Death 24 57.14
Discharged 18 42.86
Total 42 100

Table 4 shows the treatment outcome of stud subjects, 24 (57.14%) have died and 18(42.86%) were discharged after treatment.

Table-5: Association b/w maturity and treatment outcome of study subjects

Maturity Treatment outcome Total P-value
Death Discharged
Preterm 15 8 23 0.349
65.2% 34.8% 100.0%
Term 9 10 19
47.4% 52.6% 100.0%
Total 24 18 42
57.1% 42.9% 100.0%

Table 5 shows the association b/w treatment outcome and maturity of study subjects, out of 23 preterm neonates 15 (65.2%) died and 8 (34.8%) were discharged after treatment and out of 19 term neonates 9 (47.4%) died and 10 (52.6%) were discharged after treatment.

Table-6: Association b/w duration of hospital stay and treatment outcome of study subjects.

Hospital stay days Discha/death Total P value
Death Discharged
2-5 days 13 0 13 0.00
100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
5-10 days 8 0 8
100.0% 0.0% 100.0%
11-15 day 2 7 9
22.2% 77.8% 100.0%
16-20 days 1 4 5
20.0% 80.0% 100.0%
21-25 days 0 5 5
0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
> 25 days 0 2 2  
0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Total 24 18 42
57.1% 42.9% 100.0%

table 6 shows the association b/w hospital stay and treatment outcome of study subjects Association was tested using the chi-square test and it was statistically significant (p=0.000).

Table-7: Organ dysfunction status in study subjects

Organ system Freq. Percent
Cardiovascular 32 76.19
Respiratory system 28 66.67
Renal system 11 26.19

Table 7 shows the organ dysfunction status in study subjects, a maximum of 32 (76.19%) had cardiovascular dysfunction, 28 (66.67%) had respiratory system dysfunction and 11(26.19%) had renal system dysfunction.


In our study around half of the study subjects were 23 (54.76%) were preterm and the rest were term neonates. In our study the mean gestational age was 32±2.5 weeks (range 30-38 weeks). Maximum 19 (45.24%) had GA of 38-40 weeks, 11 (26.19%) had GA of 32-34 weeks and 9 (2.43%) had GA of 34-36 weeks. Aradhya AS et al (2015) in Chandigarh reported the mean gestational age of neonates at exchange blood transfusion was 31±2.8weeks and 36% were small for their gestational age [20].

In a similar study Pugni, L et al. (2016) reported that the median gestational age was 28 weeks (range 26-31) weeks [21]. In our study two-third of 28 (66.67%) were outborn and one third were inborn admissions who underwent exchange transfusion. In a similar study Pugni, L et al. (2016) reported that 88% of the neonates with severe sepsis were inborn admissions [21]. In most of the studies they have done the study on inborn newborns. Therefore the data were mostly reported for inborn.

In our study 17 (40.48%) had PROM, 5 (11.90%) had > 3 vaginal exam and (40.48%) of neonates had prematurity/LBW as risk factor for sepsis.In a similar study Aradhya AS et al (2015) in Chandigarh reported that 34% of mothers had pPROM (>24 h) and 27% of mothers had pregnancy-induced hypertension [20].

This is suggestive that early preterm premature rupture is one of the major risk factors for sepsis in children. The onset of sepsis and sclerema in study subjects: In the present study majority 30 (71.43%) had EOS and 12 (28.57%) had LOS. All the study subjects who had exchange blood transfusion developed sclerema. Pugni, L et al. (2016) in their study reported that newborns who underwent exchange transfusion 54% had early onset of sepsis and 46% had late onset of sepsis [21].

Duration of mean hospital stay days is 11.73 ±7.48 days. Those who died had a mean duration of hospital stay was 6.5 days and those who survived had 18.7 days. Similarly the median duration of days in hospital was 11 days. In our study out of 42 study subjects 24 (57.14%) have died and 8 (42.86%) were discharged after exchange transfusion treatment. Of those who died 15 (62.5%) were preterm and of those discharged 10 (55.6%) were term neonates (p=0.349). Outborn neonates more died as compare to inborn though this was also not significant (p=0.133). Neonates with exchange transfusion who had 2-5 days of antibiotic had more death 13/24 (54.16%) as compared to 6-8 days 8/24 (33.33%) and it was statistically significant (p=0.000).

Neonates who stayed for a fewer number of days in hospitals had more dying as compared to those who stayed for longer duration and this was also statistically significant (p=0.000). Morality in 2-5 days and 5-10 days of hospital duration was 100% and in more than 10 days it was 16.67%. Vain NE et al (1980) study the role of exchange transfusion in the treatment of severe septicemia. Ten critically ill newborn infants presenting with septicemia were treated with exchange transfusions. Seven of the ten (70%) infants showed immediate improvement and ultimately survived [14]. Bossi et al. (1981) study the role of exchange transfusion for severe neonatal septicemia. They treated 35 neonates with severe sepsis, 22 of them treated with ET, and 13 with standard therapy alone.

The survival rate was similar between the two groups (ET, 54.5% vs. ScT, 53.8%; p= No Significant). [22] Gross S.J. et al (1982) reported from a controlled trial, that the mortality rate was the same among those who received ET and those who did not receive it [23]. Dalvi R et al (1991) study the exchange transfusions in neonatal sepsis. The mean time for recovery following ET was 19.6 +/- 12.4 h (range: 1-48 h).

The overall survival was 77.4% and the survival rates for LBW and non-LBW infants were 73.6 and 68.2%, respectively, however, the difference was not statistically significant [24]. Exchange transfusion may thus be an effective and safe therapeutic modality for severe neonatal sepsis. Mathur NB et al (1993) study the effect of exchange transfusion in neutropenic septicemic neonates. Mortality was 35% in the study group and 70% in the controls. Gram-negative organisms accounted for 80% in the study group and 90% in controls [17]. Sadana S et al (1997) study the role of exchange transfusion in septic neonates with sclerema Mortality was 50% in the study group and 95% in controls [25].

Gunes T et al (2006) did a pilot study on Exchange transfusion or intravenous immunoglobulin therapy as an adjunct to antibiotics for neonatal sepsis. There were nine deaths (27%) in the IVIG group, seven (21%) in the ET group and nine (41%) in the control group (p>0.05) [19]. In a similar study Aradhya AS et al (2015) in Chandigarh reported that the primary outcome of mortality by 14 days from enrollment was observed in 14 (34 %) neonates in the DVET group in comparison to 18 (42 %) in the ST group, Similarly, early mortality (mortality by 7 days) as well as mortality by discharge showed a trend towards reduction in the DVET group in comparison to the ST group. No significant difference could be observed in the time to mortality. The median duration of stay days in hospital was 25 days [20].

Pugni, L et al. (2016) reported their 10 years’ experience of exchange transfusion in the treatment of neonatal septic shock. The mortality rate was 36% in the ET group and 51% in the ScT group (p= 0.16). A multivariate logistic regression analysis, controlling for potentially confounding factors significantly associated with death (gestational age, serum lactate, inotropic drugs, oligoanuria), ET showed a marked protective effect (Odds Ratio 0.21, 95% Confidence Interval: 0.06–0.71; p= 0.01). The lack of observed adverse events should encourage the use of this procedure in the treatment of neonates with septic shock [21]. Verma A et al (2020) did a retrospective observational study on the role of DVET in severe neonatal sepsis.

There was a significant reduction in mortality in the intervention group (57% vs. 71% (p= .004). They concluded that in neonates with severe sepsis, DVET may be a useful adjunct therapy.

It may reduce mortality and is a safe procedure in severely sick and septic neonates [26].

In our study out of 36 culture-positive samples 15 (41.7%) were discharged after treatment and 21 (58.3%) have died. Of 36 culture positives maximum of 10 were positive for Klebsiella, 8 for E.coli, 6 each for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, 4 were positive for Acinobactor and 2 were positive for Enterococcus. Pugni, L et al. (2016) reported that in the exchange transfusion group of neonates out of 26 culture-positive samples,5 (10.6%) were Gram-positive organisms and 21 (44.4%) were Gram-negative organisms. In Gram-positive organisms maximum were S. epidermidis and in Gram-negative organisms maximum were P. aeruginosa, E. coli and K. pneumonia [21].

In our study maximum 32 (76.19%) had cardiovascular dysfunction, 28 (66.67%) had respiratory system dysfunction and 11 (26.19%) had renal system dysfunction. In a similar study Aradhya AS et al (2015) in Chandigarh reported that 88% of cases had cardiovascular dysfunction, 56% had Hematological dysfunction and 34% had renal dysfunction [20]. Similarly Pugni, L et al. (2016) reported in their study that in (96%) cases the respiratory system has some dysfunction, in (90%) cases had CVS dysfunction and in (48%) cases had renal system dysfunction [21].


The study showed that in study subjects who underwent exchange transfusion 57.14% died and 42.86% were discharged after exchange transfusion treatment. Of those who died around two-third were preterm also, outborn neonates more died as compare to inborn though this was also not significant. Before exchange transfusion all the newborns had sclerema and that improved in 55% cases after exchange transfusion.

In the study 76.19% had cardiovascular dysfunction, 66.67% had respiratory system dysfunction and 26.19% had renal system dysfunction. On vitals except for blood pressure (p=0.000) none of the vitals i.e. temperature, PR, Spo2, Random blood sugar had a significant mean difference in their mean value before and after exchange transfusion. Neonates who stayed for a fewer number of days in hospitals had more dying as compared to those who stayed for longer duration and this was also statistically significant.

In conclusion, a significant reduction of mortality in patients who underwent exchange transfusion, together with the no adverse effects observed, suggest that this procedure should be considered for the treatment of neonates with severe sepsis. Thus, it is a safe procedure in severely septic neonates with inherent potential for complications. One needs to exercise caution in selecting the neonate and the team, and take all the necessary precautions irrespective of the indication. The exchange transfusion must be performed only by experienced individuals at a perinatal-neonatal centre using both a cardio-respiratory monitor and pulse oximeter. The team should be ready to respond to any adverse event that may arise at any stage of the procedure.

Author’s contribution

Dr. Rao B. N. conceived, conceptualized, supervised the study, and finalized the manuscript. Dr. Dewangan S. helped in protocol writing, conceptualization, data analysis, and finalized the manuscript. Dr. Singh V. K. the protocol, recruited patients, analyzed the data, and prepared the manuscript. The final manuscript was approved by all authors.


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