Age stratified Seroprevalence of Cytomegalo virus in children
Introduction: Cytomegalovirus seroprevalance in developing countries is found to be high but there is no recent study done in India especially in children. Primary CMV infection is asymptomatic, but the virus remains latent in organs and children shed the virus in their urine and saliva for a long period. Primary infection can cause major consequences in growing fetus, premature infants, and immune deficient individuals especially those with AIDS. It highlights the need forsero negative blood for transfusion.
Methods: This cross sectional study done inchildren of the age group 0 to 18 years, serum sampleswere collected randomly fromthe children and neonateswere used for IgG anti-CMV antibody titration by ELISA kit. Data were analyzed by SPSS, Windows version 15.Chi-squar tests were applied.
Result: The overall prevalence was 84%.The prevalence in age groups 1-28 days, 28 days to 1 year, 1-5 ,6-10, 11-15 , 16-18 yearswere 92.8%,87.5%, 86.2%, 85%, 69.2%,100% respectively. There was no statistically significant association between CMV sero prevalence and age, gender, residential area.
Conclusions: Study shows a high prevalence of CMV infection in the age group especially chance of acquiring the infection drastically increases in the 1-5 years and 5-10 years population. High prevalence in neonates but relatively low prevalence in infants suggests maternal transmission rather than intrauterine infection. It is prudent to provide CMV screened blood products especially for preterms, immune deficient individuals
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