Study of neonatal morbidity and mortality patterns in a referral tertiary care neonatal unit of a teaching hospital
Objective: To find out the incidences and causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The present study is carried out with the objective of finding out the causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality at the referral neonatal unit of teaching hospital which caters to the neonatal deliveries in the hospital and the cases brought directly or referred from the smaller hospitals in the region.
Methods: A hospital based descriptive study was conducted from January 2014 to December 2014. Each case was studied with reference to maternal / neonatal factors affecting the neonatal mortality and morbidity. The maternal factors studied were maternal age, parity, antenatal care, presentation, mode of delivery, medical illness and obstetric complications. Neonatal factors include sex of the babies, birth weight and gestational age.
Result: Total admissions of neonates during the study period were 1169, out of which 385 were intramural (inborn) & 784 extra mural (out born). Approximately, 37.90% children were of low birth weight and 25.40% were preterm babies. HMD, birth asphyxia, septicemia, prematurity, hyperbilirubinemia, congenital malformations were the chief morbidities. The main causes of neonatal mortality were perinatal hypoxia (40.09%), infection (27.64%), Hyaline membrane disease (12.09%) and immaturity (8.29%).
Conclusion: Neonatal mortality rate was 12.94% which was influenced by sex of the baby. Birth asphyxia tops the list followed by infection as the cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality.
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