A study of evaluation of iron deficiency as a risk factor for febrile seizures
Objective: To estimate the incidence of seizure of iron deficiency anemia in febrile seizure. To determine the clinical correlates of children with febrile seizures.
Methods: In this case, control study was conducted among 126 children of age group between 6 months and 5 years during April 2015 to April 2016. The control case groups were matched based on the family history of febrile seizure, age, sex, and temperature. Blood samples were collected. Measured quantities of serum feritin, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were compared.
Result: 36 children (28.5%) in the febrile Seizure group have positive family history when compared to none among controls. Serum ferritin level in febrile seizure group is found to have 14.5+/-10.6 ng/ml, where as in controls it is 34.9+/-23.3 ng/ml .The mean hemoglobin was 9.8+/-1.2 gm/dl whereas in controls, it was 11.3+/-1.1gm/dl. The mean corpuscular volume is 76+/-8.5fl, whereas in control it is 79.5+/-7.5fl, which was statistically significant. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin was 27.7+/-3.1pg and for control it was 28.7/3.6 pg.
Conclusion: Serum ferritin, Hb% and MCV were found to be significant on the lower side in children with febrile seizure when compared to the children who did not have febrile seizure.
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