Patterns of health care for children with asthma: A qualitative study

  • Dr. Chandrika Rao Ramaiah Medical College and Hospitals, MSR Nagar, MSRIT Post, Bangalore – 560054, India
  • Dr. Ramakrishnan K.G Ramaiah Medical College and Hospitals, MSR Nagar, MSRIT Post, Bangalore – 560054, India
  • Dr. Somashekar. A.R Ramaiah Medical College and Hospitals, MSR Nagar, MSRIT Post, Bangalore – 560054, India
Keywords: Asthma control, Focus group, Pediatric asthma, Qualitative study


Background: Many children across the world, struggle with asthma, especially when the condition worsens due to lack of adherence to treatment strategies, the reason for which however may not be completely understood. Hence the objective of the study is to explore the perceptions of caregivers and patients about pediatric asthma and its control to trace possible factors that lead to poor adherence to asthma control.

Methods: A qualitative study using conversational style interview for a group of 8 children and their guardians was conducted .In the discussion pre set questions were put forward to explore the perceptions of care givers and patients regarding asthma control management. The discussion was recorded with consent and later transcribed, coded and analyzed.

Results: The focus group discussion revealed that patient compliance is not perfectly maintained due to various factors. Patients have mixed responses to the restrictions ranging from co-operative to rebellious behavior. Large amount of anxiety exists among the parents with regards to the disease exacerbation and long course of treatment. Frequent hospital visits have been perceived to be cumbersome by them and they perceive a need for the use of such questionnaires as a home based asthma control monitoring system.

Conclusion: The focus group discussion reveals that proper counseling system and home based asthma control monitoring system need to be put into place to offer all round asthma control. Also use of questionnaires at home on a regular basis will reduce the number of hospital visits saving time and cost.


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Patterns of health care for children with asthma: A qualitative study
DOI: 10.17511/ijpr.2017.i07.03
Published: 2017-07-31
How to Cite
Dr. Chandrika Rao, Dr. Ramakrishnan K.G, & Dr. Somashekar. A.R. (2017). Patterns of health care for children with asthma: A qualitative study. Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research, 4(7), 446-452.
Original Article