A study of pattern of admission and outcome in a neonatal intensive care unit at Rural Haryana, India
Background: Neonatal mortality rate contributes significantly to under five mortality rates. Data obtained from pattern of admission and outcome may uncover various aspects and may contribute andhelp in managing resources, infrastructure, skilled hands for better outcome in future.
Method: This was a retrospective studydone in NICU at MM Institute of Medical Sciences. and Research, Ambala, India. Data of all admitted neonates were analyzed with regard toageof babies, sex, weight, cause of admissions and their outcome.
Results: During study period a total of 175 neonates were analyzed. Male were predominant over female with maleto female ratio 1.21:1. Majority of newborns were to belonged to low birthweight (46.28%) followed bynormal birth weight (30.28%), very low birth weight (18.28%) and ELBW babies. Maximum number of babies were premature (54%) followed by neonatal sepsis (12.57%), meconium aspiration syndrome (9.17%) andbirth asphyxia (9.14%). Out of 175 babies 29 (17.14%) were died. Highest mortality were found with prematurity (62%) followed bybirth asphyxia (20.69%) andneonatal sepsis (10.34%).
Conclusion: Prematurity,neonatal sepsis, birth asphyxia and meconium aspiration syndrome were the major indications of admissions. Prematurity, birth asphyxia and neonatal sepsis were major causes of mortality in my study. These mortalities can be reduced with improved management of antenatal and perinatal period, early recognition of conditions, time lyintervention and early referral to higher centre.
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