Biophysical profile of blood pressure in urban school children
Background: A Systematic review & meta-analysis revealed that there is ‘Strong evidence for tracking of Blood pressure from childhood to adulthood i.e., the Children in the upper percentile of Blood Pressure levels are more likely to become hypertensive in adulthood.
Objective: To study the prevalence of Pre-hypertension & Hypertension and the relationship of Blood Pressure with variables like age, sex, weight, height, body Mass Index (BMI), Socio economic status and Family history in Urban school children.
Materials & Methods: The present Cross-sectional study conducted in urban school children, Hyderabad. Total 2500 children of 5-14 years age group were involved in the study group; children were selected in random sampling method.
Results: The Prevalence of Hypertension among children between 5 – 14 yrs was 7.2% (6.6 % in Boys & 7.9% in girls). Pre-hypertension prevalence was found higher in boys (6.2%) compared to girls (3%). Multiple Regression Analysis showed Positive and significant correlation of age, weight, height with each systemic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (P value <0.001).
Conclusion: Regular Blood pressure measurement of children is mandatory for early detection of Pre-hypertension & hypertension.
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