Cord blood hemoglobin levels in relation to maternal anemia
Introduction: Maternal anemia is a significant problem.Mothers with anemia are likely to deliver anemic babies. Cord blood hemoglobin can be used to diagnose neonatal anemia.
Materials and methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted from January 2017 to January 2018 in Department of Pediatrics and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at T.S. MisraMedical College andHospital. 100 mothers delivering in labor room and their newborns were included in the study. Maternal hemoglobin was estimated prior to delivery. After the delivery of baby cord blood hemoglobin was collected. Cord blood hemoglobin of anemic and non-anemic mothers were compared. Anemic mothers were categorized as mild, moderate and severe. We compared cord blood hemoglobin of babies in all three groups and also with cord blood hemoglobin of non-anemic mothers.
Results:Difference betweenmean cord blood hemoglobin of anemic and non-anemic mothers was found to be statistically significant. Difference between cord blood hemoglobin of all three groups (mild, moderate and severe anemia) found to be statistically significant.
Conclusion:This study shows direct correlation between maternal and fetal hemoglobin levels. We stress the importance of preventing maternal anemia and maintaining adequate iron storage in mothers during pregnancy to ensure better maternal and fetal outcome. We also emphasize the importance of cord blood hemoglobin for early diagnosis of neonatal anemia.
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