A study of Vitamin-D and nutritional status in recurrent respiratory tract infections in children 1-5 years of age
Objective:To assess and explore the association of Vitamin D deficiency with recurrent respiratory tract infections in children less than 5 years.
Design:This wasa prospective non-randomized two group design study.
Duration:One year and four months, i.e. July 2015 to October 2016.Setting:Department of Pediatrics, Bhaskar Medical College, Telangana, India.
Participants:90 children, all aged less than 5 years, attendingthe Department of Pediatrics, Bhaskar Medical College.
Methods:Out of total 90 cases, 50 children with recurrent respiratory tract Infections (RRTI)were taken as Group I, while 40 children without recurrent respiratory tract Infections were taken as Group II. After thorough clinical examination, Serum Vitamin D levels were estimatedby Radio Immune Assay (RIA) technique. Statistical analysis was done using appropriate software.
Results: Serum Vitamin D levels ranged from 20 to 140 nmol/l. It was depicted that 86% of children with recurrent respiratory tract infections had Vitamin D deficiency.Vitamin D deficiency and number of respiratory tract infections are more in male children. The mean Vitamin D level in Group I (RRTI) was low i.e. 41.7 nmol/I compared to 64.6 nmo1/1 in Group 11 (no RRTI). Vitamin D deficiency and number of respiratory tract infections were more in the 37-48 months age group. Vitamin D levels were low in children who were exclusively breast fed for 6 months (47%). Vitamin D levels were low in children who had poor exposure to sunlight (79%).
Conclusion:There was a significant association between Vitamin D levels and recurrent respiratory tract infections. Education regarding the importance and timing of sun exposure is necessary. Routine Vitamin D supplementation is recommended.
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