Tooth fragment lodged in the lower lip after traumatic dental: a case report

  • Dr Chakiri Hanane Faculty of Dentistry of Rabat (Morocco)
  • Dr Fawzi Rachid Faculty of Dentistry of Rabat (Morocco)
Keywords: Inclusion, Tooth Fragment, Lip, Trauma


In permanent teeth, the crown fracture is often associated with lesions in the surrounding oral tissues particularly at cold which can lead to serious complications.In the presence of a lip edematous, open and / or shredded associated with a coronal fracture, thorough clinical and radiographic examination of soft tissue must be systematic.In fact, lesions of the lip can cover up any foreign bodies or fragments of dental crowns embedded in the wounds.The orbicularis muscle pain on palpation mask their presence making the impalpable and only an X-ray may highlight them.Through this article based on a clinical case, we will describe the process for the diagnosis of including dental fragment at labialis after a dentoalveolar trauma, and the terms of the management.


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Tooth fragment lodged in the lower lip after traumatic dental: a case report
DOI: 10.17511/ijpr.2015.i04.23
Published: 2015-12-31
How to Cite
Dr Chakiri Hanane, & Dr Fawzi Rachid. (2015). Tooth fragment lodged in the lower lip after traumatic dental: a case report. Pediatric Review: International Journal of Pediatric Research, 2(4), 164-169.
Case Report