Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women and its impact on SNCU outcome
Introduction: For India to reach sustainable development goal neonatal mortality should be decreased by half in the next 12 years. The present study was aimed to observe the prevalence of anemia in the mothers whose babies are admitted in our SNCU and its impact on neonatal mortality.
Aims: 1. To study the prevalence and severity of anemia among mothers of babies who are admitted in Special New Born Care Unit (SNCU), district hospital, Vizianagaram. 2. To study the effect of maternal anemia on outcome of babies admitted into SNCU.
Methods: It is a retrospective analytical study, conducted in the department of SNCU, District hospital, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. The 3-year data regarding mother’s hemoglobin concentration and neonatal outcome in the form of discharges, referrals and deaths was analysed irrespective of the reason for admission and the diagnosis. The data was collected from April 2016 to March 2019 retrospectively from the SNCU records. This study was done to assess the prevalence of anemia; a preventable cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality and its impact on outcome of neonates admitted into our SNCU irrespective of the reason for admission and the diagnosis.
Results: A total number of 7627 babies were admitted in SNCU, with various conditions in the above mentioned 3yr period. Out of which hemoglobin value was available for 6558 mothers. The hemoglobin data of these 6558 mothers and the outcome of their babies irrespective of their diagnosis and the reason for admission was analysed. Anemia was found in 5076(95%) mothers. Severe anemia (Hb: 4-6.9gm%) was found in 27(0.4%) mothers and it was significantly associated with increased referrals and neonatal deaths. whereas mild and moderate anemia didn’t have much impact on the SNCU outcome.
Conclusion: Severe maternal anemia is a significant, independent and preventable risk factor for neonatal mortality.
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