To study the personal, social, and psychological risk factors associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents of 10-18 years age group
Introduction: Suicide is the leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide and in India. The various personal, social, and psychological risk factors are associated with suicidal behavior in adolescents. The study of these risk factors helps the early identification of vulnerable populations to prevent suicide and suicidal behavior.
Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted over a period of 1 year in PICU and pediatric wards of DR.BRAMH Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. A total of 80 admitted patients of age group 10 to 18 years, who have attempted suicide, were included except those who were comatose or died. Psychiatric assessment using Beck’s suicide intent scale was also done to assess the level of the intent and risk of the future suicide attempt.
Results: Out of 80 adolescents, who were attempted suicide, 66.25% are females, most of are 16-18 year of age group. Poisoning (90%) and hanging (10%) were the frequently used method. Major risk factors were dysfunction in the family (71.25%), poor-academic performance (57.5%), domestic violence (52.5%), disturbed relationships (45%), addiction in family members (35%) and others were bullying/ragging (15%), substance abuse (11.25%), mental disorder (8.75%), and previous suicide attempts (3.75%). Study subject with a history of previous suicide tendency of self and family members and the presence of suicidal note have shown a strong association (p=0.000) with Beck’s suicidal intent score.
Conclusion: Late adolescent age group was noted more vulnerable to suicidal behavior with female gender predominance. Poisoning and hanging were noted as the main methods used for a suicide attempt.
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