A clinical study of children with cerebral palsyin a tertiary care in Assam
Introduction:Cerebral Palsy is not a disease but a condition affecting health and well being of a child. Reports claim a rising incidence of cerebral palsy. Fifty children with cerebral palsy were studied to find out the etiological factors and the clinical findings.
Method: A retrospective, cohort, observational study was done in 50 children with cerebral palsy attending the department of Pediatric,Tezpur Medical College, Assam from Feb 2016 to Nov 2017.
Results:Male to female ratio was 7:3. Prenatal, natal and postnatal factors were found in 16%, 30% and 38% of cases respectively. In 8% of cases, cause was unknown.Birth Asphyxia was the commonest cause and spasticity was the commonest clinical type. Epilepsy and speech defect were the commonest problems associated with cerebral palsy. In 86% of cases the cause of 1stconsultation was after 3 years with complain of not able to walk. Of all the cases 6% were diagnosed at High Risk Clinic at around 6 months of age.
Conclusions: This study suggestsimprovement of maternal and child health care and follow up of high riskchildren from birth onwards.
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