Profile of scald injury among Paediatrics patient attending tertiary care hospital
Background: Scald injuries among children are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity. This is compounded by the additional risk factors such as poverty, higher birth order and urban slums which are seen in developing countries. But very few studies are available regarding the burden of this issue. This study seeks to assess the same.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital for one year.A total of 66 children less than 12 years of age were included. Their demographic profile and treatment outcome were studied.
Results: Most participants were less than 10 years old and almost half had first degree burns. Hot water scalds were the most common etiology followed by household liquid foods such as sambar and kanji. Most burns affected the front of the body. Silver nitrodiazine was the most common treatment followed by collagen application and open dressing. After treatment 81.5% improved. The mortality was 16.7%.
Conclusions: Scald injuries are a common cause of morbidity among young children. Most incidents occur at home and are preventable. This indicates the need for parental education and the child safety measures for reducing mortality and morbidity due to scalds.
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